
Here are the details for the selected job. You may need to scroll down to see all the information about the job, including the job description. If you wish to apply for this job click on the Apply button. WARNING: Always be on the lookout for job scams! Learn more about identity theft Opens in new window

Onsite - Work onsite all of the time
Job Summary
Per Hour
Home Health Aide (HHA) Interim HealthCare Occupation: Home Health Aides
Location: Lawrenceburg, IN - 47025 Positions available: 1
Job #: 10708057 Work At Home option: No
Posted: 5/1/2024 Updated: 5/2/2024 Expires: 7/30/2024
Source: Indiana Career Connect Site: Indiana Career Connect Agency Job ID: 11066

Vets Medallion Award
Vets Medallion Award Year Award Action
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Job Requirements
Job Properties
Job Description
Employer Research

Interim HealthCare
Is a Private Sector employer with 2 locations

Company Profile:

Vision: To make Interim HealthCare the leader in transforming the image of traditional home healthcare.

Mission: To put ourselves in the shoes of each of our clients by creating a whole-person, individualized plan that helps bring them and their loved ones a more empowered and enriched life.

Value Proposition: HomeLife Enrichment® supports the mind and the body, lifts spirits and helps loved ones in a way that makes life worth living, empowers patients and their families, and opens the way for a more joyous and engaged existence at home.

Each Interim HealthCare team member is committed to walking and working in the shoes of our patients and their families. We understand how frightening it can be to depend on others for daily care. No one wants to be a burden to family or friends or lose independence. Those concerns are the motivation behind the creation of HomeLife Enrichment®.

In short, HomeLife Enrichment® supports the mind and the body, lifts spirits and helps loved ones in a way that makes life worth living, empowers patients and their families, and opens the way for a more engaged existence at home. We work with each family and their individual situation to develop specific protocols and activities designed to turn each day into a comfortable flow of engaging, fun and interactive activities that stimulate the brain, improve motor functions and help seniors experience laughter, hope and happiness. At the core of this approach to care is the gift of empowerment, so patients and their families feel in control of their own destiny.

At Interim, we believe the pace of life may change, but not the potential for living it to the fullest. Rather than be bound by limitations, we pursue possibilities by treating every single client as an individual with unique desires, dreams and needs. This whole person and individualized approach allows us to look for ways to empower people at home, regardless of age, health or disability. We remember every day how we would want to be treated if we were in the same situation.

We look beyond basic needs to encompass mind, body, spirit and family. We believe in enriching home life so that people are not only safe and independent, but living with dignity, purpose and self-worth. That is a life worth living-daily empowerment, complete with unlimited potential for joy and comfort at home.

1,000-4,999 employees


Location/Work Site Information
Compensation and Hours
Salary Range: $17.00 (minimum) Not Applicable Benefits Provided: 401K, Dental, Holidays, Medical, Vacation, Vision Other Benefits: Not Available Full or Part Time: Full Time (30 Hours or More) Job Duration: Over 150 Days Type of Job: Regular
Day Shift
Evening/Swing Shift
Night/Graveyard Shift
Night/Graveyard Shift
Rotating Shift
Split Shift
Split Shift
Flexible Shift
Hours per Week:

View what local employers are paying Home Health Aides

Work Experience
Minimum Experience Required: 12 months
Education and Training
Minimum Education Level Required: High School Diploma or Equivalent
Required License/Certification: HHA Certification

Related Education Opportunities
Skills Required
Specialized Job Requirements
Occupation Information

Jobs Available

This section shows the number of job openings advertised online in Dearborn County, IN for Home Health Aides and for the related occupational group of Healthcare Support Occupations on June 7, 2024 (Jobs De-duplication Level 2).
This table contains Occupation, and Job Openings
Occupation Job Openings
Home Health AidesBright Outlook NationallyMore flames means greater demand. Rankings are based on Indiana’s future job demand, wage level and current job posting data. 3
Healthcare Support OccupationsDemand Data Not Available. 8
Bright Outlook Nationally | More flames means greater demand. Rankings are based on Indiana’s future job demand, wage level and current job posting data.
There were 3 job openings advertised online in Dearborn County, IN for Home Health Aides on June 7, 2024. There are also 8 job openings advertised online for the related occupation group of Healthcare Support Occupations in Dearborn County, IN on June 7, 2024.
Source: Online advertised jobs data. INDemand Ranking is developed by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development and is based on short and long term projected employment, growth openings, percentage change, real time labor market information and wage level.

Career Ladder
Personal Requirements
Nature of the Work