At IBM, work is more than a job - it's a calling: To build. To design. To code. To consult. To think along with clients and sell. To make markets. To invent. To collaborate. Not just to do something better, but to attempt things you've never thought possible. Are you ready to lead in this new era of technology and solve some of the world's most challenging problems? If so, let’s talk.
DataTechnical Presales - working with customer and BP to promote IBM Data software solution.
Develop the principle of presales such as Client Architect, Trusted Advisory, Crisis Owner, Channel Warriors
The client facing roles need Professional Expertise as well as Technical Expertise such as
- Presentation, Proof of Values (Demo, PoC, Pilot)
- Build the trusted advisory with BP and Customer
- Understand the IT Landscape of customer
- Serve customer when they have solution crisis
- Support business partner as channel warriors
- Understanding of IBM Data Software (Database, Data Fabric, AI, Business Automation (ECM, BPM ,RPA...)
Understand IBM Data Software are advantage such as watsonx, Cloud Pak for Bussiness Automation, Cloud Pak for Data)