Healthcare Supervisor
Status: Seasonal (May 28 - August 18)
Location: Butte, MT | Red Lodge, MT | Casper, WY
The Healthcare Supervisor will provide healthcare to meet individual needs of camp staff and campers. They will be expected to organize, maintain, and utilize adequate resources for serving the health and medical needs of the campers and staff. As well as maintain accurate and details medical records, overseeing procedures and supplies, and supporting the total camp community.
The Healthcare Supervisor will also help run emergency drill procedures as well as conducting these drills during each camp session. All summaries and evaluations made by the Healthcare Supervisor will be turned into the Seasonal Camp Manager at the end of the summer so it is expected that these records will be taken in a timely and organize manner.
The Healthcare Supervisor oversees the health and well-being of campers and staff during their stay at camp to ensure a safe, fun, and positive summer camp experience that supports membership growth and retention. This position promotes Girl Scouting in the community; and maintains a positive parent, public, and community relations.