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Job Summary
Salary Confidential

Cybersecurity Advisor

BLUEFORCE INC Occupation: Computer Occupations, All Other
Location: Hampton, VA - 23666 Positions available: 1
Job #: 3973739 Source: Virginia Workforce Connection
Posted: 1/15/2025 Updated: 2/28/2025 Expires: 12/31/2025
Web Site: Virginia Workforce Connection Onsite / Remote: Not Specified Job Type: Regular, Full Time (30 Hours or More), Permanent Employment

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Full Time (30 Hours or More)
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Job Description
BlueForce Incis seeking a skilled and experiencedCybersecurity Advisorin support of Global Advisory contract. The Cybersecurity advisor shall provide the host nation the necessary cybersecurity advisory services and maintenance of performance monitoring framework required to support their national security strategy. In country and overseas travel may be required.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Provide policy guidance and advise to enable an increase in cyber capacity and effectiveness at mitigating and managing malicious cyber activity across institutions.
  • Provide specific assistance on agreed upon solutions to enhancing cyber governance standards, policies and protocols and increase the coordination on cyber roles and responsibilities.
  • Work with host nation clients to identify barriers to institutional change and make recommendations to overcome them.
  • Assist host nation develop more efficient and effective processes for cyber defense and overall cyber strategy.
  • Attend national-level and interagency meetings and planning sessions as requested by the partner.
  • Meet at least monthly with senior representatives to discuss the projects progress.
  • Collaborate with U.S. Embassy and other U.S. interagency subject matter experts to support the cybersecurity effort and ensure effective interagency coordination (within the U.S. Government and the host government) around cyber reforms.
  • Assess host nation cyber regulations, staff and current operating procedures, to identify strengths and gaps within existing cyber processes and develop approaches to optimize operations, policies and communication with cyber stakeholders.
  • Manage the development and maintenance of the Performance Monitoring Framework to include performance indicators and Department of State reporting requirements.
  • Work with State Department and host nation partners to determine project indicators, as well as the frequency of data collection and definition for each indicator in the corresponding framework.
  • Begin data collection for all M&E indicators, as determined by the COR after approval of the initial Work Plan.
  • Conduct data collection on a regular and continuing basis and report quarterly to the COR starting from the time that each Performance Monitoring Framework is approved until the task order is completed.
  • Enhance security sector governance and build the institutional capacity of select U.S. partners at the service, ministerial, and national levels.


Minimum Qualifications

  • Active Top Secret security clearance.
  • Bachelors degree with a concentration in computer science, cybersecurity, cyber operations, information management, information systems security, and/or related fields.
  • At least ten (10) years experience (or eight (08) years and a masters degree) in the U.S. military (O-5 or higher) and/or civilian equivalent (GS-14 or industry equivalent) working in cybersecurity at the national level or large organizational level.
  • Experience working for the U.S. Department of Defenses Joint Chief of Staff (JCS) or other large enterprise-wide entity at the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, or other large U.S. government agency.
  • Experience as the director or program manager for one or more projects implementing cybersecurity capacity building initiatives.
  • Experience developing and communicating cybersecurity policies, strategies, organizational structures, technical concepts and procedures at the military service staff level, joint staff level or equivalent organizational level.
  • Experience working with senior foreign military officials and/or senior foreign governments officials.
  • Demonstrated understandings of cybersecurity challenges in emerging markets and teaching/coaching/mentoring professionals or fragile states and transitioning topics.
  • Demonstrated experience in qualitative/quantitative research methods, problem solving, adherence to quality standards and program deliverables.
  • Demonstrated ability to successfully manage multiple contracts/task orders, coordinate activities in multiple locations and work well with customer/clients in a multi-cultural environment.
  • Possess one or more of the following certifications:
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • NIST Cyber Security Professional (NCSP)
  • Certified Information Systems Auditor (CASP)
  • Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO)
  • Demonstrated fluency (spoken and written) in English language, when such is not the native language, including experience summarizing complex technical and programmatic issues in a concise manner for the U.S. government. Provision of Certification in English language through industry recognized provider (e.g., Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), etc.) is required.
  • Proof of medical clearance (physical and mental fitness) equivalent to Department of State Level 1 as determined by a licensed healthcare practitioner.
  • Active drivers license to operate all vehicle or equipment necessary to perform work in the area of performance.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Demonstrated experience living and working overseas, specifically the Balkans geographic region.

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Is a Private Sector employer with 10 locations

Company Profile:
                                                         ABOUT BLUEFORCE

A global professional services firm founded in 2003, BlueForce operates in a unique nexus between the Department of Defense and Department of State. We currently maintain a balanced portfolio of missions in each department supporting Air Operations Support, Acquisition Support, Evaluations & Assessment, Modeling & Simulations, English Language Training, Capacity Building, Law Enforcement Training, Security Advisory & Ops, Democracy, Human Rights & Governance Assistance, and International Aid & Development. BlueForce has operated in over 40 countries and has had a presence on six continents to date. 

We are 100% employee-owned company through an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP). As an ESOP, we are both individually and collectively invested in the success of our company. Our unified goals and vision foster a culture of teamwork and servant leadership, which permeate throughout our culture.

Our mission is to continue to serve God, country, communities and customers through values-based professional services and expertise that exceed expectations in cost, schedule, and performance. Honesty in everything. Give our clients our best quality. Support the welfare of our people. We are a Team.
100-249 employees
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Compensation and Benefits
Salary Range: Salary Confidential Benefits Provided: 401K, Dental, Flexible Benefit Account, Holidays, Life Insurance, Medical, Stock Options, Vacation, Vision Other Benefits: Not Available
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Job Type and Required Hours
Type of Job: Regular Full or Part Time: Full Time (30 Hours or More) Job Duration: Permanent Employment
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Hours Vary

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Work Experience
Minimum Experience Required: 10 months
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Education and Training
Minimum Education Level Required: Bachelor's Degree Required License/Certification: Cybersecurity
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Jobs Available

This section shows the number of job openings advertised online in Hampton, City of, VA for Computer Occupations, All Other and for the related occupational group of Computer and Mathematical Occupations on March 2, 2025 (Jobs De-duplication Level 2).
This table contains Occupation, and Job Openings
Occupation Job Openings
Computer Occupations, All OtherBright Outlook Nationally 1
Computer and Mathematical Occupations 96
There were 1 job openings advertised online in Hampton, City of, VA for Computer Occupations, All Other on March 2, 2025. There are also 96 job openings advertised online for the related occupation group of Computer and Mathematical Occupations in Hampton, City of, VA on March 2, 2025.
Source: Online advertised jobs data

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