
Here are the details for the selected job. You may need to scroll down to see all the information about the job, including the job description. If you wish to apply for this job click on the Apply button. WARNING: Always be on the lookout for job scams! Learn more about identity theft Opens in new window

Onsite - Work onsite all of the time
Job Summary
Between $42k and
Per Year
Experienced Pipefitter James River Mechanical Occupation: Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters
Location: Smithfield, VA - 23430 Positions available: 2
Job #: 3703781 Work At Home option: No
Posted: 3/26/2024 Updated: 3/29/2024 Expires: 8/30/2024
Source: Virginia Workforce Connection Site: Virginia Workforce Connection Agency Job ID: 100

Vets Medallion Award
Vets Medallion Award Year Award Action
No records found

Job Requirements
Job Properties
Job Description
Employer Research

James River Mechanical
Is a Private Sector employer

Company Profile:

James River Mechanical is an industrial and mechanical contractor that self performs and specializes in light to heavy industrial piping installations and maintenance support. These operations are carried out at facilities that include, shipbuilding/ship repair, food processing, chemical processing, medical, and manufacturing. Our niche is the ability to deliver high quality piping installations with safe and rapid response.

The officers, management, and workers have a very strong commitment to safety. Our safety program is very well established. The program is continuously improved as a result of our corporate culture and is adjusted as the industry develops new methods.

Our people have a strong work ethic and are committed to delivering a high quality product.

James River Mechanical is well established in the market, financially stable and has the resources to perform quickly /efficiently in a highly demanding environment. JRM teams with the best general contractors, subcontractors and other suppliers to consistently ensure the successful delivery of our services. Numerous repairs and projects are completed daily within schedule at the lowest possible cost.

Another key component of our success can be directly linked to partnering with our customers. We value and appreciate our customers. They are industry leaders and we proud to be a part of their processes. We are therefore extremely loyal to them and are vested in their continued success.

20-49 employees

Jobs from this Employer


Location/Work Site Information
Compensation and Hours
Salary Range: $42,058.44 - $60,017.69 Year DOE (Depends on Experience) Benefits Provided: 401K, Dental, Holidays, Life Insurance, Medical, Sick Leave, Vacation Other Benefits: Not Available Full or Part Time: Full Time (30 Hours or More) Job Duration: Over 150 Days Type of Job: Regular
Day Shift
Evening/Swing Shift
Night/Graveyard Shift
Night/Graveyard Shift
Rotating Shift
Split Shift
Split Shift
Flexible Shift
Hours per Week:

View what local employers are paying Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters

Work Experience
Minimum Experience Required: 24 months
Education and Training
Minimum Education Level Required: No Minimum Education Requirement
Required License/Certification: No

Related Education Opportunities
Skills Required
Specialized Job Requirements
Occupation Information

Jobs Available

This section shows the number of job openings advertised online in Isle of Wight County, VA for Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters and for the related occupational group of Construction and Extraction Occupations on June 6, 2024 (Jobs De-duplication Level 2).
This table contains Occupation, and Job Openings
Occupation Job Openings
Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters 1
Construction and Extraction OccupationsGreen Occupation 11
Green Occupation
There were 1 job openings advertised online in Isle of Wight County, VA for Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters on June 6, 2024. There are also 11 job openings advertised online for the related occupation group of Construction and Extraction Occupations in Isle of Wight County, VA on June 6, 2024.
Source: Online advertised jobs data

Career Ladder
Personal Requirements
Nature of the Work