San Juan Mountains
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Trail Maintenance


Date Posted: 01/14/2025

Job #: 3472101

Location: Durango

  Trail Maintenance Position

A local company is looking for a trail maintenance person. Duties with this position will vary season to season. 

Regular/Routine Duties

-Collect trash and recycling
-Check and replace Trail/Property Lights
-Clean Breezeway, Back Deck and Walkway
-Keep cobwebs cleaned from all security cameras
-Manage radar speed signs and rechargeable batteries
-Manage dog waste stations 
-Check and adjust solar lights 
-Pick up trash and debris along roads 
-Inspect ditches near mulched trails regularly and especially after heavy storm events
-Clear debris from ditches and direct water flow as needed 
-Basic tread maintenance along trails 
-Install trail signs
-Clear encroaching vegetation from trails 
-Clean small trail culverts
-Coordinate small culvert needs 
-Manage Fire Mitigation Dumpsters 
-Snow removal to facilitate garbage and recycle receptacles

To view more or apply for this job, please register with Connecting Colorado.



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