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Job Summary
Between $19.30 and
Per Hour
DOE (Depends on Experience)
Position range in Missouri $16.47 - $21.20 Per hour


Premier Landscaping & Maintenance Occupation: Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers
Location: Ballwin, MO - 63011 Positions available: 28
Job #: 13801039 Source: MoJobs
Posted: 1/29/2025 Updated: 1/29/2025 Expires: 3/30/2025
Web Site: MoJobs Onsite / Remote: Work onsite all of the time Job Type: Regular, Full Time (30 Hours or More), Permanent Employment, Day Shift

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Job Requirements and Properties
Full Time (30 Hours or More)

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Job Description


Lay sod, plant, mow, trim, water, dig, spread dirt, rake, prune, mulch, blow, weed, and load/unload materials. Lift up to 50lbs.

On the job training. No education or experience required.

$19.30 - $24/hr. ($28.95 - $36/hr O.T.), wage range based on experience and performance 

7am-4pm, M-F, Some O.T. & weekends may be available. 

28 positions available for temporary, fulltime, peak load work


Franklin and St. Louis County area jobsites. Transportation provided to and from area jobsites from a central St Louis County area pick up location. 

Contact Katie by calling 314-843-3702 or email resume to

Apply for or inquire about job at St. Charles County Job Center @ 636-255-6060.

Employer will use a single workweek for computing wages due. Pay will be weekly.

Assistance finding lodging is available, if needed, at no additional charge to the worker. 


Employer will make all deductions required by law from each paycheck as well as for optional advances against pay up to $75/day at end of each workday for room and board at no interest for first 2 weeks, and for optional uniform cleaning expense at $35/mo.

If the worker completes 50% of the work contract period, employer will reimburse the worker for transportation and subsistence from the place of recruitment to the place of work. Upon completion of the work contract or where the worker is dismissed earlier, employer will provide or pay for workers reasonable costs of return transportation and subsistence back home or to the place the worker originally departed to work, except where the worker will not return due to subsequent employment with another employer. The amount of transportation payment or reimbursement will be equal to the most economical and reasonable common carrier for the distances involved. Daily subsistence will be provided at a rate of $15.88 per day during travel to a maximum of $59 per day with receipts. 


H2B workers will be reimbursed by check for visa and related fees in the first workweek. Employer will provide, without charge or deposit, all tools, supplies and equipment required to perform the job duties.  

Other benefits provided to U.S. and H2B workers are the following: year-end bonuses based on performance/quality of job.

The employer guarantees to offer work for hours equal to at least ¾ of the workdays in each 12 week period of the total employment period.

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Employer Research

Premier Landscaping & Maintenance
Is a Private Sector employer

Company Profile:
20-49 employees
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Location/Work Site Information
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Compensation and Benefits
Salary Range: $19.30 - $24.00 Per Hour DOE (Depends on Experience) Benefits Provided: Not Available Other Benefits: Not Available
View what local employers are paying Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers
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Job Type and Required Hours
Type of Job: Regular Full or Part Time: Full Time (30 Hours or More) Job Duration: Permanent Employment
Day Shift
Evening/Swing Shift
Night/Graveyard Shift
Night/Graveyard Shift
Rotating Shift
Split Shift
Split Shift
Flexible Shift
Hours per Week:
Hours Not Specified

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Work Experience
Minimum Experience Required: Not Specified
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Education and Training
Minimum Education Level Required: No Minimum Education Requirement Required License/Certification: No
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Occupation Information for Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers
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Jobs Available

This section shows the number of job openings advertised online in St. Louis County, MO for Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers and for the related occupational group of Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occu on March 7, 2025 (Jobs De-duplication Level 2).
This table contains Occupation, and Job Openings
Occupation Job Openings
Landscaping and Groundskeeping WorkersBright Outlook Nationally 57
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance OccuGreen Occupation 341
There were 57 job openings advertised online in St. Louis County, MO for Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers on March 7, 2025. There are also 341 job openings advertised online for the related occupation group of Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occu in St. Louis County, MO on March 7, 2025.
Source: Online advertised jobs data

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