Experienced PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT – Internal Medicine Hospitalist – NIGHT SHIFT in Denton, TX


Denton, TEXAS


Texas Health Physicians Group is pleased to announce a Physician Assistant, Hospitalist opening for a full -time opportunity in Denton, TX. Expand your career by working closely with a successful group of hospitalists evaluating, diagnosing and treating a variety of patients.


Ø  Assist Hospitalists with inpatient, evaluations, H&P’s & follow-up visits.

Ø  Initiate appropriate treatment & testing for medical illnesses.

Ø  Counsel & instruct patients and families regarding health issues.

Ø  Document using EMR system.

Ø  Participate in continuous quality improvement processes.



Ø  Enjoy working 7PM-7AM; 7 days on 7 days off or a modification to ensure coverage ever day; split between two providers

Ø  Are a Certified Physician Assistant with a Texas license

The Physician Assistant (“PA”) will be licensed as a physician assistant in the State of Texas and maintain such license in good standing at all times. Master's degree Physician Assistant required.


The PA will report to the supervising physician and/or the Medical Director and will be responsible for meeting CME requirements to maintain certification and licensure.


The PA’s duties and responsibilities apply to the THPG patient population and assigned setting only.

Location: Denton, TX US

Job ID: 25000357

Area of Interest: Physician Assistant

Job Type: Full-time

Facility: Texas Health Physicians Group 9250 Amberton Parkway TX 75243

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